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Balancing Acid/Alkaline Foods

출처: http://www.trans4mind.com/nutrition/pH.html

A surprising number and variety of physical problems and diseases can be caused by the problem of foods that are acid-producing after digestion. Today the vast majority of the populace in industrialized nations suffers from problems caused by the stress of acidosis, because both modern lifestyle and diet promote acidification of the body's internal environment.

The current typical Western diet is largely composed of acid-forming foods (proteins, cereals, sugars). Alkaline-producing foods such as vegetables are eaten in much smaller quantities. Stimulants like tobacco, coffee, tea, and alcohol are also extremely acidifying. Stress, and physical activity (both insufficient or excessive amounts) also cause acidification.

Many foods are alkaline-producing by nature, but manufactured processed foods are mostly acid-producing. It is important to consume at least 60% alkaline-producing foods in our diet, in order to maintain health. We need plenty of fresh fruits and particularly vegetables (alkaline-producing) to balance our necessary protein intake (acid-producing). And we need to avoid processed, sugary or simple-carbohydrate foods, not only because they are acid-producing but also because they raise blood sugar level too quickly (high glycemic index therefore fattening); plus they tend to be nutrient-lacking and may be toxic too.

What is the body's pH?
Water is the most abundant compound in the human body, comprising 70% of the body. The body therefore contains a wide range of solutions, which may be more or less acid. pH (potential of Hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution - the ratio between positively charged ions (acid-forming) and negatively charged ions (alkaline-forming.) The pH of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen-ion concentration. The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen rich the fluid is.  The lower the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral.  Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic.

Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.35 - 7.45). Below or above this range means symptoms and disease. If blood pH moves below 6.8 or above 7.8, cells stop functioning and the body dies. The body therefore continually strives to balance pH. When this balance is compromised many problems can occur.

An imbalanced diet high in acidic-producing foods such as animal protein, sugar, caffeine, and processed foods puts pressure on the body's regulating systems to maintain pH neutrality. The extra buffering required can deplete the body of alkaline minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, making the person prone to chronic and degenerative disease. Minerals are borrowed from vital organs and bones to buffer (neutralize) the acid and safely remove it from the body. Because of this strain, the body can suffer severe and prolonged damage--a condition that may go undetected for years.

Here's something you really ought to take a look at. It's a short video slideshow about one simple thing you can do to make a huge impact on your life. This one simple thing gives you amazing health benefits as well as huge emotional and psychological relief from the relentless onslaught of stress during these very difficult times. This is really amazing stuff, so please take a look at it right now.

Health problems caused by acidosis
Research shows that unless the body's pH level is slightly alkaline, the body cannot heal itself. So no matter what means you choose to take care of your health, it won't be effective until the pH level is balanced. If your body's pH is not balanced, for example, you cannot effectively assimilate vitamins, minerals and food supplements. Your body pH affects everything.

Acidosis will decrease the body's ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients, decrease the energy production in the cells, decrease it's ability to repair damaged cells, decrease it's ability to detoxify heavy metals, make tumor cells thrive, and make it more susceptible to fatigue and illness.

An acidic pH can occur from an acid-forming diet, emotional stress, toxic overload, and/or immune reactions or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other nutrients. The body will try to compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline minerals. If the diet does not contain enough minerals to compensate, a build up of acids in the cells will occur. Acidosis can cause such problems as:

Cardiovascular damage.
Weight gain, obesity and diabetes.
Bladder conditions.
Kidney stones.
Immune deficiency.
Acceleration of free radical damage.
Hormonal problems.
Premature aging.
Osteoporosis and joint pain.
Aching muscles and lactic acid buildup.
Low energy and chronic fatigue.
Slow digestion and elimination.
Yeast/fungal overgrowth.
Lack of energy and fatigue.
Lower body temperature.
Tendency to get infections.
Loss of drive, joy, and enthusiasm.
Depressive tendencies.
Easily stressed.
Pale complexion.
Inflammation of the corneas and eyelids.
Loose and painful teeth.
Inflamed, sensitive gums.
Mouth and stomach ulcers.
Cracks at the corners of the lips.
Excess stomach acid.
Nails are thin and split easily.
Hair looks dull, has split ends, and falls out.
Dry skin.
Skin easily irritated.
Leg cramps and spasms.

pH strip

Test Your Body's Acidity or Alkalinity with pH Strips
It is recommended that you test your pH levels to determine if your body's pH needs immediate attention. By using pH test strips (Litmus Paper), you can determine your pH factor quickly and easily in the privacy of your own home. The best time to test your pH is about one hour before a meal and two hours after a meal.

The Alkaline Diet Strategy
That Will Work Wonders For You

And the best part? You can access this guide for free! You'll learn...

  • To say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease.
  • To say hello to renewed vigor, mental clarity, better over-all health, and a lean trim body. The key? You health depends on the pH balance of the blood.
  • Which foods are alkaline that boost your energy and heal, and which are acidic.
  • To muscle up your energy levels - 12 perfect foods.
  • To restore your health by creating a balance in your diet that will give you the energy of a child again.
  • To have more energy! Where to find it for energy all afternoon.
  • To boost your alkalinity and lose weight fast - 10 easy tricks.

Saliva pH Test: Simply wet a piece of Litmus Paper with your saliva. While generally more acidic than blood, salivary pH mirrors the blood and tells us what the body retains. It is a fair indicator of the health of the extracellular fluids and their alkaline mineral reserves. The optimal pH for saliva is 6.4 to 6.8. A reading lower than 6.4 is indicative of insufficient alkaline reserves. After eating, the saliva pH should rise to 7.5 or more. To deviate from an ideal salivary pH for an extended time invites illness. If your saliva stays between 6.5 and 7.5 all day, your body is functioning within a healthy range.

Acidosis, an extended time in the acid pH state, can result in rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, lupus, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, most cancers and many more.  If salivary pH stays too low, the diet should focus on fruit, vegetables and mineral water as well as remove strong acidifiers such as sodas, whole wheat and red meat.

Urine pH Test:  The pH of the urine indicates how the body is working to maintain the proper pH of the blood. The urine reveals the alkaline (building - anabolic) and acid (tearing down - catabolic) metabolic cycles. The pH of urine indicates the efforts of the body via the kidneys, adrenals, lungs and gonads to regulate pH through the buffer salts and hormones. Urine can provide a fairly accurate picture of body chemistry, because the kidneys filter out the buffer salts of pH regulation and provide values based on what the body is eliminating. Urine pH can vary from around 4.5 to 9.0 in extremes, but the ideal range is 6.0 to 7.0. If your urinary pH fluctuates between 6.0 to 6.5 first thing in the morning and between 6.5 and 7.0 in the evening before dinner, your body is functioning within a healthy range.

Urine testing may indicate how well your body is excreting acids and assimilating minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. These minerals function as "buffers." Buffers are substances that help maintain and balance the body against the introduction of too much acidity or too much alkalinity. Even with the proper amounts of buffers, acid or alkaline levels can become stressful to the body's regulatory systems. When the body produces too many of these acids or alkalis, it must excrete the excess. The urine is the method the body uses to remove any excess acids or alkaline substances that cannot be buffered. If the body's buffering system is overwhelmed, a state of "autointoxication" exists, and attention should be given to reducing this stress.

Foods: are they Acid or Alkaline-forming?
Note that a food's acid or alkaline-forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end-products they produce after digestion and assimilation are alkaline so lemons are alkaline-forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion but it leaves acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is classified as acid-forming.

It is important that your daily dietary intake of food naturally acts to balance your body pH. To maintain health, the diet should consist of at least 60% alkaline forming foods and at most 40% acid forming foods. To restore health, the diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods.

FOOD CATEGORY High Alkaline Alkaline Low Alkaline Low Acid Acid High Acid
BEANS, VEGETABLES, LEGUMES Vegetable Juices, Parsley, Raw Spinach, Broccoli, Celery, Garlic, Barley Grass Carrots, Green Beans, Lima Beans, Beets, Lettuce, Zucchini, Carob Squash, Asparagus, Rhubarb, Fresh Corn, Mushrooms, Onions, Cabbage, Peas, Cauliflower, Turnip, Beetroot, Potato, Olives, Soybeans, Tofu Sweet Potato, Cooked Spinach, Kidney Beans Pinto Beans, Navy Beans Pickled Vegetables
FRUIT Dried Figs, Raisins Dates, Blackcurrant, Grapes, Papaya, Kiwi, Berries, Apples, Pears Coconut, Sour Cherries, Tomatos, Oranges, Cherries, Pineapple, Peaches, Avocados, Grapefruit, Mangoes, Strawberries, Papayas, Lemons, Watermelon, Limes Blueberries, Cranberries, Bananas, Plums, Processed Fruit Juices Canned Fruit  
GRAINS, CEREALS         Amaranth, Lentils, Sweetcorn, Wild Rice, Quinoa, Millet, Buckwheat Rye Bread, Whole Grain Bread, Oats, Brown Rice White Rice, White Bread, Pastries, Biscuits, Pasta  
MEAT             Liver, Oysters, Organ Meat Fish, Turkey, Chicken, Lamb Beef, Pork, Veal, Shellfish, Canned Tuna & Sardines
EGGS & DAIRY     Breast Milk Soy Cheese, Soy Milk, Goat Milk, Goat Cheese, Buttermilk, Whey Whole Milk, Butter, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Cream, Ice Cream Eggs, Camembert, Hard Cheese Parmasan, Processed Cheese
NUTS & SEEDS     Hazelnuts, Almonds Chestnuts, Brazils, Coconut Pumpkin, Sesame, Sunflower Seeds Pecans, Cashews, Pistachios Peanuts, Walnuts

Flax Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Canola Oil Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil, Margarine, Lard        
BEVERAGES Herb Teas, Lemon Water Green Tea Ginger Tea Cocoa Wine, Soda/Pop Tea (black), Coffee, Beer, Liquor
SWEETENERS, CONDIMENTS Stevia Maple Syrup, Rice Syrup Raw Honey, Raw Sugar White Sugar, Processed Honey Milk Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Molasses, Jam, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Vinegar Artificial Sweeteners

Note: there are inconsistencies between the acid- or alkaline-forming values given in the lists provided by many websites, and few reliable references. Please don't take the above chart as any more than an approximate guide. Sites copy information (and errors) from each other and we're not scientific institutes, we go by personal experience and experience with clients, measuring with litmus paper, health results gathered over time, and such - not laboratory testing of isolated substances. 

Nevertheless, the principles are clear: eat plenty of vegetables, some fruit daily, and don't eat too much of dairy products, grain products, and direct protein from eggs, meat and fish (as is typically the case in Western diet). But remember... you don't have to cut out all acid-forming foods - some are necessary, typically 40% - otherwise you probably wouldn't get enough protein and variety of nutrients, yet alone make interesting meals that you enjoy. But you DO want to shift the overall balance of your diet over toward the alkaline, and away from the excessively acid-forming diet of a quick-food culture.


Plus the full
Acid-Alkaline Food Chart

Free range eggs, fish, beans, unsaturated oils - these are healthy foods, low glycemic and nutritious, and even if marginally acid-forming (or alkaline or between the two depending on how you measure or what chart you read). They are NOT the culprits in an acid-forming diet. The real culprits are highly sweetened foods, pastries, red meat, colas and highly processed foods - these are the ones to reduce to a sensible amount or cut out of your diet if they also contain stimulants and undesirable chemical additives.

Similarly, be sure to include your share of the high alkaline-forming foods to balance those low-acid foods you eat for their overall nutritional value. And make alkaline choices, e.g. better to have brown rice than white rice, even though both are on the acid-forming side, because it moves you in the right pH direction - less acid - and also it is more healthy and nutritious in other respects.

Detoxify with Fruit & Vegetable Juices
All natural, raw, vegetable and fruit juices are alkaline-producing. (Fruit juices become more acid-producing when processed and especially when sweetened.)

The Science: Why are acidic lemons alkaline-producing?
The answer is simply that when we digest the food, it produces alkaline residue. That's why we classify it as an alkaline food. When we digest a food it is chemically oxidized ('burned') to form water, carbon dioxide and an inorganic compound. The alkaline or acidic nature of the inorganic compound formed determines whether the food is alkaline or acid-producing. If it contains more sodium, potassium or calcium, it's classed as an alkaline food. If it contains more sulphur, phosphate or chloride, it's classed as an acid food.

What difference does it make to have toxic blood?
In order for the body to remain healthy and alive, your body keeps a delicate and precise balance of blood pH at 7.365, which is slightly alkaline. The body does whatever it has to in order to maintain this balance. The problem is that most people have incredibly acid lifestyles. Acid is produced in your body whenever you have stress, upset emotions and when the food you eat is acid-forming.

The typical diet is significantly acidic. So what happens to your body when you're over-acid? Your body will store excess acid in your fat cells (which is why so many people have such trouble losing weight). Over time, your body will leach calcium and alkaline stores from your bones in a desperate attempt to retain the pH balance in your body (which is why some people "shrink" as they get older).

Your blood plays a very important role in your healthy and energy: it carries oxygen to all your cells! This gives you energy, and it's what keeps you alive. It also plays a key role in how energizing your sleep is. Here's a picture of healthy red blood cells:

blood clean

Do you see how far apart the blood cells are from each other? As a result, your blood can move freely throughout your entire body, and get into all your small capillaries, so you feel like your whole body is getting energy. During deep sleep, proper blood flow and hydration is important. When your blood looks like this, your sleep is also really energizing and you need less of it!

Blood cells have a negative charge on the outside and a positive charge inside; this is what keeps them healthy and far apart from each other. However, when your body is over-acidic, the acid strips your blood of its negative charge. Your blood cells no longer have the same repelling force and clump together like this:

blood toxic

When your blood is clumped together, it no longer can get to all the little capillaries in your body to give you the life giving oxygen you need. It no longer can give ever cell of your body the energizing and rejuvenating effects. This is the major reason why some people feel horrible when they wake up, and why they need to sleep longer. It's also why you tend to wake up feeling de-hydrated.

Most of us, from the time we're children, have a fear installed into us by our parents that "Disease is out to get you, and viruses are flying around all over the place looking for their next victim!" It comes with sayings like: "Put on your sweater or you'll 'catch' a cold!" However, the truth is most of us create toxic environments inside of our body and this is why disease and fatigue happens. It doesn't happen TO YOU, instead, "you" make it happen...

Here's a good example: Pretend you had a goldfish in a bowl, and one day you saw the goldfish was beginning to look very unhealthy. You also notice that the water is a little dirty. What makes more sense? To take the fish out and try to fix it? Or change its water? Chances are it's the water that's making the fish unhealthy, not the fish itself. When you change the water, the fish will get healthier. The fact that the goldfish is unhealthy is actually a SYMPTOM of the unhealthy environment. Not the problem.

Fact: Our bodies are more than 70% Water! And most of the time because of our diets, emotions and lifestyles, the "water" in our body is over-acidic, and to put it simply: toxic. Yet, even knowing this, modern day establishment medicine puts much more attention on fighting the symptoms, and not recognizing the root of the problem.

Here's something you really ought to take a look at. It's a short video slideshow about one simple thing you can do to make a huge impact on your life. This one simple thing gives you amazing health benefits as well as huge emotional and psychological relief from the relentless onslaught of stress during these very difficult times. This is really amazing stuff, so please take a look at it right now.

There are a few other things, in addition to diet, that can be done to help correct an over acidic balance. These include taking enzyme supplements, organic calcium and magnesium supplements, colloidal minerals, vitamin A and D, and drinking alkaline vegetable juices (carrot, celery and beet) and lemon/maple syrup drink.

We can remedy our over-acidic bodies in the short term with alkalizing supplements, but going forward, we must also choose a diet which is balanced on the side of alkaline-forming foods. Fortunately most of these are also low glycemic, which takes care of the second primary factor in our creating a healthy diet. Ensure adequate Omega 3 with oily fish in our diet, which is another primary factor, and we can be sure to live long and healthy lives.

If you would like to know more about changing your diet to give you maximum energy, then check out the book by Dr Robert O. Young, "The pH Miracle." It contains information about how disease manifests, how to detox and maintain balanced health, along with diet info and recipes.

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PH Levels make a difference Acid & Aklaine list/chart

by NSMary on Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:00 AM

Quote | Reply

Acidifying Foods (Avoid)
Alcohol including wine.
Dairy except organic unpasteurized milk and Cottage cheese.
Grains except millet.
Meat including fish except for white meat chicken and eggs.
Nuts except for almonds and chestnuts.
Oils including olive oil.
Natural and artificial Sweeteners except Stevia

Alkalizing Foods (Good)
Fruits except Cranberries.
Vegetables except potatoes
White meat chicken and eggs.
Spices including salt and all herbs.
PH Range and Significance:
    7.0 to 7.5+ is healthy
    6.0 to 6.5 could develop disease
    4.5 to 5.5 disease may be present

  Alphabetical Listing

(alk = alkalizing, acid = acidifying)                    

Alkaline Antioxidant- alk
Almond Milk - acid
Almonds- alk
Amaranth - acid
Apple- alk
Apple Cider Vinegar- alk
Apricot- alk
Asparagus - alk
Avocado- alk
Avocado Oil - acid
Banana (ripe) - alk
Banchi Tea- alk
Barley - acid
Barley Grass- alk
Beans - acid
Bee Pollen- alk
Beef - acid
Beer - acid
Beets- alk
Berries (not cranberry)- alk
Black Beans - acid
Brazil Nuts - acid
Broccoli- alk
Brussel- alk
Buckwheat - acid
Butter - acid
Cabbage- alk
Cakes - acid
Canola Oil - acid
Cantaloupe- alk
Carrot- alk
Cashews - acid
Cauliflower- alk
Celery- alk
Chard- alk
Cheese - acid
Chemicals - acid
Cherries - alk
Chestnuts - alk
Chick Peas - acid
Chicken Breast- alk
Chili Pepper- alk
Chlorella - alk
Cinnamon - alk
Clams – acid
Coffee - acid
Collard Greens - alk
Corn - acid
Corn Oil - acid
Cottage cheese - alk
Cranberries - acid
Cucumber - alk
Currants - alk
Curry - alk
Daikon - alk
Dandelions - alk
Dates - alk
Drugs (most) - acid
Dulce - alk
Edible Flowers - alk
Eggplant - alk
Eggs - alk
Figs - alk
Fish - acid
Flax Oil - acid
Flax Seeds - alk
Flour except millet flour - acid
Fruit Juice unsweetened - alk
Garlic - alk
Ginger - alk
Ginseng Tea - alk
Grapefruit - alk
Grapes - alk
Green Juices - alk
Green Peas - acid
Green Tea - alk
Greens - alk
Hard Liquor - acid
Hemp Seed - acid
Herbal Tea - alk
Herbs - alk
Honeydew - alk
Kale - alk
Kamut - acid
Kidney Beans - acid
Kohlrabi - alk
Kombu - alk
Kombucha - alk
Lamb - acid
Lard - acid
Lecithin Granules - alk
Lemon - alk
Lentils - acid
Lettuce - alk
Lima Beans - acid
Lime - alk
Lobster - acid
Macaroni - acid
Maitake - alk
Melon - alk
Milk - acid
Milk organic unpasteurized - alk
Millet - alk
Mineral Water - alk
Miso - alk
Mushrooms - alk
Mussels - acid
Mustard - alk
Nectarine - alk
Noodles - acid
Nori - alk
Oats  - acid
Oil - acid
Olive Oil - acid
Onions - alk
Orange - alk
Oyster - acid
Parsnips (high glycemic) - alk
Peach - alk
Peanuts - acid
Pear - alk
Peas - alk
Pecans - acid
Peppers - alk
Pineapple - alk
Pinto Beans - acid
Pork - acid
Potatoes - acid
Powder - alk
Probiotic Cultures - alk
Pumpkin - alk
Pumpkin - alk
Quinoi - acid
Rabbit - acid
Red Beans - acid
Reishi - alk
Rice  - acid
Rice Milk - acid
Rutabaga - alk
Rye - acid
Safflower Oil - acid
Salmon - acid
Salt - alk
Scallops - acid
Sea Veggies - alk
Seeds - alk
Sesame Oil - acid
Shitake - alk
Shrimp - acid
Soy Beans - acid
Soy Milk - acid
Spaghetti - acid
Spelt - acid
Spirulina - alk
Sprouted seeds - alk
Sprouts - alk
Squash Seeds - alk
Squashes - alk
Stevia - alk
Sunflower oil - acid
Sunflower seeds - alk
Tahini - acid
Tamari - alk
Tangerine – alk
Tea (black) - acid
Tempeh fermented - alk
Tofu - alk
Tomato - alk
Tropical Fruits - alk
Tuna - acid
Turkey - acid
Umeboshi - alk
Vegetables Juices - alk
Vinegar Distilled - acid
Wakame - alk
Walnuts - acid
Water - alk
Watercress - alk
Watermelon - alk
Wheat - acid
Wheat Grass - alk
Whey Protein - alk
White Beans - acid
Wild Greens - alk
Wine - acid
Yogurt – alkExtremely Alkaline
Lemons, Watermelon    
Strongly Alkaline
Asparagus, Cantaloupe, Cayenne, Celery, Dates, Figs, Fruit Juices, Grapes (sweet), Kelp, Kiwifruit, Limes, Mango, Melons, Papaya, Parsley, Passionfruit, Pears (sweet), Pineapple, Raisins, Seaweeds, Seedless Grapes (sweet), Umeboshi Plums, Vegetable Juices, Watercress
Moderately Alkaline
Alfalfa Sprouts, Apples (sour), Apples (sweet), Apricots, Avocados, Bananas (ripe), Beans (fresh, Beets, Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carob, Cauliflower, Currants, Dates, Figs (fresh), Garlic, Ginger (fresh), Grapefruit, Grapes (less sweet), Grapes (sour), green), Guavas, Herbs (leafy green), Lettuce (leafy green), Lettuce (pale green), Nectarine, Oranges, Peaches (less sweet), Peaches (sweet), Pears (less sweet), Peas (fresh, Peas (less sweet), Potatoes (with skin), Pumpkin (less sweet), Pumpkin (sweet), Raspberries, Sea Salt (vegetable), Squash, Strawberries, Sweet Corn (fresh), sweet), Turnip, Vinegar (apple cider)
Slightly Alkaline
Almonds, Artichokes (Jerusalem), Brussel Sprouts, Cherries, Chestnuts (dry, Coconut (fresh), Cow's Milk and Whey (raw), Cream (fresh, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Eggs, Goat's Milk and Whey (raw), Honey (raw), Leeks, Margarine, Mushrooms, Neutral Butter (fresh, Oils (except olive), Okra, Olive Oil, Olives (ripe), Onions, Pickles (homemade), Poultry (white meat), Radishes, raw), roasted), Sea Salt,  Sesame Seeds (whole), Soy Beans (dry), Soy Cheese, Soy Milk, Spices, Sprouted Grains, Tofu, Tomatoes (less sweet), Tomatoes (sweet), unsalted), Vinegar (sweet brown rice), Yeast (nutritional flakes), Yogurt (plain)

Moderately Acidic
Adzuki, Bananas (green), Barley (rye), Beans (mung, Dry Coconut, Fructose, garbanzo), Blueberries, Bran, Butter, Cereals (unrefined), Cheeses, Crackers (unrefined rye, Cranberries, Goat's Milk, Honey (pasteurized), Ketchup, kidney, Maple Syrup (unprocessed), Milk (homogenized), Molasses (un-sulfured and organic), Most Nuts, Mustard, Oats (rye, Olives (pickled), organic), Pasta (whole grain), Pastry (whole grain and honey), pinto, Plums, Popcorn (with salt and/or butter), Potatoes, Prunes, Rice (basmati and brown), rice and wheat), Seeds (pumpkin, Soy Sauce, sunflower), Wheat Bread (sprouted organic)
Extremely Acidic
Artificial Sweeteners, Beef, Beer, Breads, Brown Sugar, Carbonated Soft Drinks, Cereals (refined), Chocolate, Cigarettes and Tobacco, Coffee, Cream of Wheat (unrefined), Custard (with white sugar), Deer, Drugs, Fish, Flour (white wheat), Fruit Juices with Sugar, Jams, Jellies, Lamb, Liquor, Maple Syrup (processed), Molasses (sulfured), Pasta (white), Pastries and Cakes from White Flour, Pickles (commercial), Pork, Poultry (dark meat), Sugar (white), Table Salt (refined and iodized), Tea (black), White Bread, White Vinegar (processed), Whole Wheat Foods, Wine, Yogurt (sweetened)

The above lists are a compilation of information taken from two web sites:
The Wolfe Clinic web site at:

and the Essense-of-Life web site at:

WARNING - an alkalizing diet will deplete your body of potassium. You must take potassium supplements while on this diet. The amount of potassium you need many vary, but athletes who sweat a lot need three or four grams (1000 mg) a day of additional potassium.


This inofrmation I found online, I only copy & Paste it here in hopes  that it might provide...  something to glean use from.... 


Always.... check with your own Doctor...... or Naturopath  

when making decsiosn about your health

A list of Acid / Alkaline Forming Foods
Your body pH affects everything...
Balancing the pH is a major step toward well-being and greater health.

The pH scale is from   0 - 14

0 1 2  3  4  5  6  7 healthy  8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline ( 7.35 - 7.45 ).  Below or above this range means symptoms and disease.  A pH of 7.0 is neutral.  A pH below 7.0 is acidic.  A pH above 7.0 is alkaline.

An acidic pH can occur from, an acid forming diet, emotional stress, toxic overload, and/or immune reactions or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other nutrients.  The body will try to compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline minerals.  If the diet does not contain enough minerals to compensate, a build up of acids in the cells will occur.

An acidic balance will:  decrease the body's ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients, decrease the energy production in the cells, decrease it's ability to repair damaged cells, decrease it's ability to detoxify heavy metals, make tumor cells thrive, and make it more susceptible to fatigue and illness.  A blood pH of 6.9, which is only slightly acidic, can induce coma and death.

The reason acidosis is more common in our society is mostly due to the typical American diet, which is far too high in acid producing animal products like meat, eggs and dairy, and far too low in alkaline producing foods like fresh vegetables.  Additionally, we eat acid producing processed foods like white flour and sugar and drink acid producing beverages like coffee and soft drinks.  We use too many drugs, which are acid forming; and we use artificial chemical sweetners like NutraSweet, Spoonful, Sweet 'N Low, Equal, or Aspartame, which are poison and extremely acid forming.  One of the best things we can do to correct an overly acid body is to clean up the diet and lifestyle.

To maintain health, the diet should consist of 60% alkaline forming foods and 40% acid forming foods.  To restore health, the diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods.

Generally, alkaline forming foods include: most fruits, green vegetables, peas, beans, lentils, spices, herbs and seasonings, and seeds and nuts.

Generally, acid forming foods include: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, grains, and legumes.

Shifting Your pH Toward Alkaline...

This chart is for those trying to "adjust" their body pH.  The pH scale is from 0 to 14, with numbers below 7 acidic ( low on oxygen ) and numbers above 7 alkaline.  An acidic body is a sickness magnet.  What you eat and drink will impact where your body's pH level falls.  Balance is Key !!!

How To Test Your pH Level... Click Here  |  Understanding pH Level... Click Here

This chart is intended only as a general guide to alkalizing and acidifying foods.


Barley Grass
Beet Greens
Chard Greens
Collard Greens
Edible Flowers
Fermented Veggies
Green Beans
Green Peas
Mustard Greens
Nightshade Veggies
Parsnips (high glycemic)
Sea Veggies
Spinach, green
Sweet Potatoes
Wheat Grass
Wild Greens

Dandelion Root

Banana (high glycemic)
Cherries, sour
Coconut, fresh
Dates, dried
Figs, dried
Honeydew Melon
Tropical Fruits
Umeboshi Plums

Tempeh (fermented)
Tofu (fermented)
Whey Protein Powder


Chili Pepper
Herbs (all)
Sea Salt

Alkaline Antioxidant Water
Apple Cider Vinegar
Bee Pollen
Fresh Fruit Juice
Green Juices
Lecithin Granules
Mineral Water
Molasses, blackstrap
Probiotic Cultures
Soured Dairy Products
Veggie Juices

Calcium: pH 12
Cesium: pH 14
Magnesium: pH 9
Potassium: pH 14
Sodium: pH 14

Although it might seem that citrus fruits would have an acidifying effect on the body, the citric acid they contain actually has an alkalinizing effect in the system.

Note that a food's acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end products they produce after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline so, lemons are alkaline forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion, but it leaves very acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid forming.

Winter Squash

Canned or Glazed Fruits

Bran, oat
Bran, wheat
Crackers, soda
Flour, wheat
Flour, white
Hemp Seed Flour
Oats (rolled)
Rice (all)
Rice Cakes
Wheat Germ

Almond Milk
Black Beans
Chick Peas
Green Peas
Kidney Beans
Pinto Beans
Red Beans
Rice Milk
Soy Beans
Soy Milk
White Beans

Cheese, Processed
Ice Cream
Ice Milk

Peanut Butter

Corned Beef
Organ Meats

Avacado Oil
Canola Oil
Corn Oil
Flax Oil
Hemp Seed Oil
Olive Oil
Safflower Oil
Sesame Oil
Sunflower Oil

Corn Syrup

Hard Liquor

Soft Drinks

Drugs, Medicinal
Drugs, Psychedelic

Beer: pH 2.5
Coca-Cola: pH 2
Coffee: pH 4

** These foods leave an alkaline ash but have an acidifying effect on the body.
There are several versions of the Acidic and Alkaline Food chart to be found in different books and on the Internet.  The following foods are sometimes attributed to the Acidic side of the chart and sometimes to the Alkaline side.  Remember, you don't need to adhere strictly to the Alkaline side of the chart, just make sure a good percentage of the foods you eat come from that side.
Brazil Nuts
Brussel Sprouts
Cottage Cheese
Flax Seeds
Green Tea
Herbal Tea
Lima Beans

Maple Syrup
Organic Milk (unpasteurized)
Potatoes, white
Pumpkin Seeds
Soy Products
Sprouted Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; research is ongoing.


Here's a chart that ranks foods from most alkaline to most acidic.

Ranked Foods: Alkaline  to  Acidic
Extremely Alkaline

Lemons, watermelon.
Alkaline Forming

Cantaloupe, cayenne celery, dates, figs, kelp, limes, mango, melons, papaya, parsley, seaweeds, seedless grapes (sweet), watercress.

Asparagus, fruit juices, grapes (sweet), kiwifruit, passionfruit, pears (sweet), pineapple, raisins, umeboshi plums, and vegetable juices.
Moderately Alkaline

Apples (sweet), alfalfa sprouts, apricots, avocados, bananas (ripe), currants, dates, figs (fresh), garlic, grapefruit, grapes (less sweet), guavas, herbs (leafy green), lettuce (leafy green), nectarine, peaches (sweet), pears (less sweet), peas (fresh, sweet), pumpkin (sweet), sea salt (vegetable).

Apples (sour), beans (fresh, green), beets, bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, carob, cauliflower, ginger (fresh), grapes (sour), lettuce (pale green), oranges, peaches (less sweet), peas (less sweet), potatoes (with skin), pumpkin (less sweet), raspberries, strawberries, squash, sweet Corn (fresh), turnip, vinegar (apple cider).
Slightly Alkaline

Almonds, artichokes (jerusalem), brussel sprouts, cherries, coconut (fresh), cucumbers, eggplant, honey (raw), leeks, mushrooms, okra, olives (ripe), onions, pickles (homemade), radishes, sea salt, spices, tomatoes (sweet), vinegar (sweet brown rice).

Chestnuts (dry, roasted), egg yolks (soft cooked), essene bread, goat's milk and whey (raw), mayonnaise (homemade), olive oil, sesame seeds (whole), soy beans (dry), soy cheese, soy milk, sprouted grains, tofu, tomatoes (less sweet), and yeast (nutritional flakes).

Butter (fresh, unsalted), cream (fresh, raw), cow's milk and whey (raw), margine, oils (except olive), and yogurt (plain).
Moderately Acidic

Bananas (green), barley (rye), blueberries, bran, butter, cereals (unrefined), cheeses, crackers (unrefined rye, rice and wheat), cranberries, dried beans (mung, adzuki, pinto, kidney, garbanzo), dry coconut, egg whites, eggs whole (cooked hard), fructose, goat's milk (homogenized), honey (pasteurized), ketchup, maple syrup (unprocessed), milk (homogenized).

Molasses (unsulferd and organic), most nuts, mustard, oats (rye, organic), olives (pickled), pasta (whole grain), pastry (whole grain and honey), plums, popcorn (with salt and/or butter), potatoes, prunes, rice (basmati and brown), seeds (pumpkin, sunflower), soy sauce, and wheat bread (sprouted organic).
Extremely Acidic

Artificial sweeteners, beef, beer, breads, brown sugar, carbonated soft drinks, cereals (refined), chocolate, cigarettes and tobacco, coffee, cream of wheat (unrefined), custard (with white sugar), deer, drugs, fish, flour (white, wheat), fruit juices with sugar, jams, jellies, lamb.

Liquor, maple syrup (processed), molasses (sulphured), pasta (white), pastries and cakes from white flour, pickles (commercial), pork, poultry, seafood, sugar (white), table salt (refined and iodized), tea (black), white bread, white vinegar (processed), whole wheat foods, wine, and yogurt (sweetened).


More Ranked Foods: Alkaline  to  Acidic
Highly Alkaline Forming Foods

Baking soda, sea salt, mineral water, pumpkin seed, lentils, seaweed, onion, taro root, sea vegetables, lotus root, sweet potato, lime, lemons, nectarine, persimmon, raspberry, watermelon, tangerine, and pineapple.
Moderately Alkaline Forming Foods

Apricots, spices, kambucha, unsulfured molasses, soy sauce, cashews, chestnuts, pepper, kohlrabi, parsnip, garlic, asparagus, kale, parsley, endive, arugula, mustard green, ginger root, broccoli, grapefruit, cantaloupe, honeydew, citrus, olive, dewberry, carrots, loganberry, and mango.
Low Alkaline Forming Foods

Most herbs, green tea, mu tea, rice syrup, apple cider vinegar, sake, quail eggs, primrose oil, sesame seed, cod liver oil, almonds, sprouts, potato, bell pepper, mushrooms, cauliflower, cabbage, rutabaga, ginseng, eggplant, pumpkin, collard green, pear, avocado, apples (sour), blackberry, cherry, peach, and papaya.
Very Low Alkaline Forming Foods

Ginger tea, umeboshi vinegar, ghee, duck eggs, oats, grain coffee, quinoa, japonica rice, wild rice, avocado oil, most seeds, coconut oil, olive oil, flax oil, brussel sprout, beet, chive, cilantro, celery, okra, cucumber, turnip greens, squashes, lettuces, orange, banana, blueberry, raisin, currant, grape, and strawberry.
Very Low Acid Forming Foods

Curry, koma coffee, honey, maple syrup, vinegar, cream, butter, goat/sheep cheese, chicken, gelatin, organs, venison, fish, wild duck, triticale, millet, kasha, amaranth, brown rice, pumpkin seed oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil, pine nuts, canola oil, spinach, fava beans, black-eyed peas, string beans, wax beans, zucchini, chutney, rhubarb, coconut, guava, dry fruit, figs, and dates.
Low Acid Forming Foods

Vanilla, alcohol, black tea, balsamic vinegar, cow milk, aged cheese, soy cheese, goat milk, game meat, lamb, mutton, boar, elk, shell fish, mollusks, goose, turkey, buckwheat, wheat, spelt, teff, kamut, farina, semolina, white rice, almond oil, sesame oil, safflower oil, tapioca, seitan, tofu, pinto beans, white beans, navy beans, red beans, aduki beans, lima beans, chard, plum, prune and tomatoes.
Moderately Acid Forming Foods

Nutmeg, coffee, casein, milk protein, cottage cheese, soy milk, pork, veal, bear, mussels, squid, chicken, maize, barley groats, corn, rye, oat bran, pistachio seeds, chestnut oil, lard, pecans, palm kernel oil, green peas, peanuts, snow peas, other legumes, garbanzo beans, cranberry, and pomegranate.
Highly Acid Forming Foods

Tabletop sweeteners like (NutraSweet, Spoonful, Sweet 'N Low, Equal or Aspartame), pudding, jam, jelly, table salt (NaCl), beer, yeast, hops, malt, sugar, cocoa, white (acetic acid) vinegar, processed cheese, ice cream, beef, lobster, pheasant, barley, cottonseed oil, hazelnuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, fried foods, soybean, and soft drinks, especially the cola type.  To neutralize a glass of cola with a pH of 2.5, it would take 32 glasses of alkaline water with a pH of 10.


A list of Acid / Alkaline Forming Foods

Alkaline Forming Foods
Fermented Veggies
Brussel sprouts
Collard Greens
Mustard Greens
Edible Flowers
Parsnips (high glycemic)
Sea Veggies
Barley Grass
Wheat Grass
Wild Greens
Nightshade Veggies
Banana (high glycemic)
Honeydew Melon
All Berries
Tropical Fruits

Eggs (poached)
Whey Protein Powder
Cottage Cheese
Chicken Breast
Tofu (fermented)
Flax Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds
Tempeh (fermented)
Squash Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Sprouted Seeds
Apple Cider Vinegar
Bee Pollen
Lecithin Granules
Probiotic Cultures
Green Juices
Veggies Juices
Fresh Fruit Juice
Organic Milk
Mineral Water
Alkaline Antioxidant Water
Green Tea
Herbal Tea
Dandelion Tea
Ginseng Tea
Banchi Tea

Ki Sweet

Chili Pepper
Sea Salt
All Herbs

Dandelion Root
Sea Veggies
Acid Forming Foods
Avocado Oil
Canola Oil
Corn Oil
Hemp Seed Oil
Flax Oil
Olive Oil
Safflower Oil
Sesame Oil
Sunflower Oil


Rice Cakes
Wheat Cakes
Oats (rolled)
Rice (all)
Hemp Seed Flour

Cheese, Cow
Cheese, Goat
Cheese, Processed
Cheese, Sheep
Brazil Nuts
Peanut Butter



Distilled Vinegar
Wheat Germ
Drugs, Medicinal
Drugs, Psychedelic

Hard Liquor

Black Beans
Chick Peas
Green Peas
Kidney Beans
Lima Beans
Pinto Beans
Red Beans
Soy Beans
Soy Milk
White Beans
Rice Milk
Almond Milk


More Ranked Foods: Alkaline (pH)  to  Acidic (pH)

  Alkaline:  Meditation, Prayer, Peace, Kindness & Love   Acid:  Overwork, Anger, Fear, Jealousy & Stress
  Extremely Alkaline Forming Foods - pH 8.5 to 9.0   Extremely Acid Forming Foods - pH 5.0 to 5.5

  9.0  Lemons 1, Watermelon 2

  8.5  Agar Agar 3, Cantaloupe, Cayenne (Capsicum) 4,
        Dried dates & figs, Kelp, Karengo, Kudzu root, Limes,
        Mango, Melons, Papaya, Parsley 5, Seedless grapes
        (sweet), Watercress, Seaweeds

        Asparagus 6, Endive, Kiwifruit, Fruit juices 7, Grapes
        (sweet), Passion fruit, Pears (sweet), Pineapple,
        Raisins, Umeboshi plum, Vegetable juices 8

  5.0  Artificial sweeteners

  5.5  Beef, Carbonated soft drinks & fizzy drinks 38,
        Cigarettes (tailor made), Drugs, Flour (white, wheat)
        39, Goat, Lamb, Pastries & cakes from white flour,
        Pork, Sugar (white) 40

        Beer 34, Brown sugar 35, Chicken, Deer, Chocolate,
        Coffee 36, Custard with white sugar, Jams, Jellies,
        Liquor 37, Pasta (white), Rabbit, Semolina, Table
        salt refined and iodized, Tea black, Turkey, Wheat
        bread, White rice, White vinegar (processed).

  Moderate Alkaline - pH 7.5 to 8.0   Moderate Acid - pH 6.0 to 6.5

  8.0  Apples (sweet), Apricots, Alfalfa sprouts 9,
        Arrowroot, Flour 10, Avocados, Bananas (ripe),
        Berries, Carrots, Celery, Currants, Dates & figs
        (fresh), Garlic 11, Gooseberry, Grapes (less sweet),
        Grapefruit, Guavas, Herbs (leafy green), Lettuce
        (leafy green), Nectarine, Peaches (sweet), Pears
        (less sweet), Peas (fresh sweet), Persimmon,
        Pumpkin (sweet), Sea salt (vegetable) 12, Spinach

  7.5  Apples (sour), Bamboo shoots, Beans (fresh green),
        Beets, Bell Pepper, Broccoli, Cabbage;Cauli, Carob
        13, Daikon, Ginger (fresh), Grapes (sour), Kale,
        Kohlrabi, Lettuce (pale green), Oranges, Parsnip,
        Peaches (less sweet), Peas (less sweet), Potatoes
        & skin, Pumpkin (less sweet), Raspberry, Sapote,
        Strawberry, Squash 14, Sweet corn (fresh), Tamari
        15, Turnip, Vinegar (apple cider) 16

  6.0  Cigarette tobacco (roll your own), Cream of Wheat
        (unrefined), Fish, Fruit juices with sugar, Maple
        syrup (processed), Molasses (sulphured), Pickles
        (commercial), Breads (refined) of corn, oats, rice &
        rye, Cereals (refined) eg weetbix, corn flakes,
        Shellfish, Wheat germ, Whole Wheat foods 32,
        Wine 33, Yogurt (sweetened)

  6.5  Bananas (green), Buckwheat, Cheeses (sharp),
        Corn & rice breads, Egg whole (cooked hard),
        Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Oats, Pasta (whole grain),
        Pastry (wholegrain & honey), Peanuts, Potatoes
        (with no skins), Popcorn (with salt & butter), Rice
        (basmati), Rice (brown), Soy sauce (commercial),
        Tapioca, Wheat bread (sprouted organic)

  Slightly Alkaline to Neutral pH 7.0   Slightly Acid to Neutral pH 7.0

  7.0  Almonds 17, Artichokes (Jerusalem), Barley-Malt
        (sweetener-Bronner), Brown Rice Syrup, Brussel
        Sprouts, Cherries, Coconut (fresh), Cucumbers, Egg
        plant, Honey (raw), Leeks, Miso, Mushrooms, Okra,
        Olives ripe 18, Onions, Pickles 19, (home made),
        Radish, Sea salt 20, Spices 21, Taro, Tomatoes
        (sweet), Vinegar (sweet brown rice), Water Chestnut

        Amaranth, Artichoke (globe), Chestnuts (dry
        roasted), Egg yolks (soft cooked), Essene bread 22,
        Goat's milk and whey (raw) 23, Horseradish,
        Mayonnaise (home made), Millet, Olive oil, Quinoa,
        Rhubarb, Sesame seeds (whole) 24, Soy beans
        (dry), Soy cheese, Soy milk, Sprouted grains 25,
        Tempeh, Tofu, Tomatoes (less sweet), Yeast
        (nutritional flakes)

  7.0  Barley malt syrup, Barley, Bran, Cashews, Cereals
        (unrefined with honey-fruit-maple syrup), Cornmeal,
        Cranberries 30, Fructose, Honey (pasteurized),
        Lentils, Macadamias, Maple syrup (unprocessed),
        Milk (homogenized) and most processed dairy
        products, Molasses (unsulphered organic) 31,
        Nutmeg, Mustard, Pistachios, Popcorn & butter
        (plain), Rice or wheat crackers (unrefined), Rye
        (grain), Rye bread (organic sprouted), Seeds
        (pumpkin & sunflower), Walnuts

        Blueberries, Brazil nuts, Butter (salted), Cheeses
        (mild & crumbly) 28, Crackers (unrefined rye),
        Dried beans (mung, adzuki, pinto, kidney,
        garbanzo) 29, Dry coconut, Egg whites, Goats
        milk (homogenized), Olives (pickled), Pecans,
        Plums 30, Prunes 30, Spelt

  Neutral pH 7.0  Ñ  Healthy Body Saliva pH Range is between 6.4 to 6.8 (on your pH test strips)
  Butter (fresh unsalted), Cream (fresh and raw), Margarine 26, Milk (raw cow's) 27, Oils (except olive),
  Whey (cow's), Yogurt (plain)

NOTE:  Match with the numbers above.

  1. Excellent for EMERGENCY SUPPORT for colds, coughs, sore throats, heartburn, and gastro upsets.
  2. Good for a yearly fast.  For several days eat whole melon, chew pips well and eat also.  Super alkalizing food.
  3. Substitute for gelatin, more nourishing.
  4. Stimulating, non-irritating body healer.  Good for endocrine system.
  5. Purifies kidneys.
  6. Powerful acid reducer detoxing to produce acid urine temporarily, causing alkalinity for the long term.
  7. Natural sugars give alkalinity.  Added sugar causes juice to become acid forming.
  8. Depends on vege's content and sweetness.
  9. Enzyme rich, superior digestibility.
10. High calcium content.  Cornflour substitute.
11. Elevates acid food 5.0 in alkaline direction.
12. Vegetable content raises alkalinity.
13. Substitute for coca; mineral rich.
14. Winter squash rates 7.5.  Butternut and sweeter squash rates 8.0.
15. Genuine fermented for 11Ú2 years otherwise 6.0.
16. Raw unpasteurized is a digestive aid to increase HCL in the stomach. 1 tablespoon, + honey & water before meals.
17. Soak 12 hours, peel skin to eat.
18. Sundried, tree ripened, otherwise 6.0.
19. Using sea salt and apple cider vinegar.
20. Contains sea minerals.  Dried at low temperatures.
21. Range from 7.0 to 8.0.
22. Sprouted grains are more alkaline.  Grains chewed well become more alkaline.
23. High sodium to aid digestion.
24. High levels of utilizable calcium.  Grind before eating.
25. Alkalinity and digestibility higher.
26. Heating causes fats to harden and become indigestible.
27. High mucus production.
28. Mucus forming and hard to digest.
29. When sprouted dry beans rate 7.0.
30. Contain acid-forming benzoic and quinic acids.
31. Full of iron.
32. Unrefined wheat is more alkaline.
33. High quality red wine, no more than 4 oz. daily to build blood.
34. Good quality, well brewed - up to 5.5.  Fast brewed beers drop to 5.0.
35. Most are white sugars with golden syrup added.
36. Organic, fresh ground-up to 5.5.
37. Cheaper brands drop to 5.0, as does over-indulgence.
38. Leaches minerals.
39. Bleached - has no goodness.
40. Poison!  Avoid it.
41. Potential cancer agent.  Over-indulgence may cause partial blindness.


I thought this would be something good to post. DD has acidic poop so I think I am going to start with more alkaline and low alkaline foods.

I'm not sure if it will help but I think it is worth a try. I came across this table and thought I would share it.

FOOD CATEGORY High Alkaline Alkaline Low Alkaline Low Acid Acid High Acid
BEANS, VEGETABLES, LEGUMES Vegetable Juices, Parsley, Raw Spinach, Broccoli, Celery, Garlic, Barley Grass Carrots, Green Beans, Lima Beans, Beets, Lettuce, Zucchini, Carob Squash, Asparagus, Rhubarb, Fresh Corn, Mushrooms, Onions, Cabbage, Peas, Cauliflower, Turnip, Beetroot, Potato, Olives, Soybeans, Tofu Sweet Potato, Cooked Spinach, Kidney Beans Pinto Beans, Navy Beans Pickled Vegetables
FRUIT Dried Figs, Raisins Dates, Blackcurrant, Grapes, Papaya, Kiwi, Berries, Apples, Pears Coconut, Sour Cherries, Tomatos, Oranges, Cherries, Pineapple, Peaches, Avocados, Grapefruit, Mangoes, Strawberries, Papayas, Lemons, Watermelon, Limes Blueberries, Cranberries, Bananas, Plums, Processed Fruit Juices Canned Fruit  
GRAINS, CEREALS         Amaranth, Lentils, Sweetcorn, Wild Rice, Quinoa, Millet, Buckwheat Rye Bread, Whole Grain Bread, Oats, Brown Rice White Rice, White Bread, Pastries, Biscuits, Pasta  
MEAT             Liver, Oysters, Organ Meat Fish, Turkey, Chicken, Lamb Beef, Pork, Veal, Shellfish, Canned Tuna & Sardines
EGGS & DAIRY     Breast Milk Soy Cheese, Soy Milk, Goat Milk, Goat Cheese, Buttermilk, Whey Whole Milk, Butter, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Cream, Ice Cream Eggs, Camembert, Hard Cheese Parmasan, Processed Cheese
NUTS & SEEDS     Hazelnuts, Almonds Chestnuts, Brazils, Coconut Pumpkin, Sesame, Sunflower Seeds Pecans, Cashews, Pistachios Peanuts, Walnuts
OILS     Flax Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Canola Oil Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil, Margarine, Lard        
BEVERAGES Herb Teas, Lemon Water Green Tea Ginger Tea Cocoa Wine, Soda/Pop Tea (black), Coffee, Beer, Liquor
SWEETENERS, CONDIMENTS Stevia Maple Syrup, Rice Syrup Raw Honey, Raw Sugar White Sugar, Processed Honey Milk Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Molasses, Jam, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Vinegar Artificial Sweeteners


Hayleigh 6.15.09 : GERD, MSPI,FPIES: to sweet potatoes, apples, wheat, rice, potatoes, bananas, pears & more.

#2EDD: 9-25-2010!