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x10 2.3.3 어플제거

2.3.3 제거해도 되는 시스템어플 목록 | [X10] TIP & 강 좌

1 / 2011.08.17 21:33

Here we go!

Found these over in the Arc forum, Im guessing most will be the same.

List updated, now with complete descriptions for all APKs.

This is a handy reference guide I had posted on my local forum, the list of apps may not be identical to everyone else, but the core ones are there. Hope it's helpful here too!

Feel free to let me know if this is helpful or if there's any additions or corrections needed to be done.

WARNING: Rooting and removing System apps is at personal choice and risk of lost of warranty and damaging the phone.
WARNING: Always make a complete backup of ALL the system apps before removing any in case of accidental deletion.

DISCLAIMER: This is only a reference guide. I will bear no responsibilities if by referencing this guide through your own discretion damages your phone in any way.

Apps that are unsafe to remove or are linked to phone's capabilities:
(Keep them if you want access to all of your phone's features.)

Note: Many of these only run when needed while a few of them are persistent services that are about 1mb sizes. While removing them may give you a few mb more, keeping them is rather insignificant.
Note: Some of them can also be removed if you have replaced or removed the main app they are tied to, but read the descriptions carefully!



(제거하면 안되는 파일입니다.)

AccountAndSyncSettings.apk --- Account and Sync Settings
AdobeFlashPlayer.apk --- Adobe Flash Player
AntHalService.apk --- Hardware Abstraction Layer
ApplicationsProvider.apk --- Search Applications Provider (ASP service)
Bluetooth.apk --- Bluetooth Share
bootinfo.apk --- Download Agent
CalendarProvider.apk --- calendar storage
CertInstaller.apk --- Certificate Installer
CredentialManagerService.apk --- Credential Manager Service
CustomizationProvider.apk --- regionalization
CustomizationSimPayType.apk --- regionalization
CustomizedApplicationInstaller.apk --- regionalization
CustomizedSettings.apk --- regionalization
DefaultCapabilities.apk --- hardware capabilities
DefaultContainerService.apk --- Package Access Helper (web container service)
device-monitor.apk --- plug and play monitoring
DMClient.apk --- Software Updater
DownloadProvider.apk --- Market Download Manager
DrmDialogs.apk --- DRM sync service
DrmProvider.apk --- DRM Protected Content Storage
enhancedusbux.apk --- usb driver
FastDormancy.apk --- Network Fast Dormancy
FmRxService.apk --- FM receiver service
genericappinstaller.apk --- application installer service
GoogleBackupTransport.apk --- Android Backup Service for apps
GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk --- calendars sync
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk --- contacts sync
GoogleServicesFramework.apk --- google services framework
InfiniteView.apk --- phonebook info page
LiveWallpapersPicker.apk --- Change Live wallpapers
LocalContacts.apk --- phone contacts
Maps.apk --- google maps
MarketUpdater.apk --- android market updater
MediaProvider.apk --- Media Storage (Ringtones, Notifications)
MtpAppGB.apk --- Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
NetworkLocation.apk --- Network Location Manager (Location Services, Check-in, Geo-tagging)
OMAClientProvisioning.apk --- OTA network settings download
OmaV1AgentDownloadServices.apk --- OTA services download and purchase/billing services
PackageInstaller.apk --- package installer
Phonebook.apk --- Phonebook
PicoTts.apk --- SVOX Text To Speech service (used by navigation/translators/dictionaries)
ReadyToRun.apk --- OMA Sync extension
SemcCameraApplication.apk --- Camera
SemcContactsProvider.apk --- Contacts Storage
SemcHdmiControlService.apk --- HDMI CEC
SemcHdmiEnabler.apk --- HDMI
SemcPhone.apk --- Keypad Dialer
SemcSettings.apk --- Sony Ericsson Settings Menu > Connectivity/Settings Download
SemcTelephonyProvider.apk --- Dialer Storage
ServiceMenu.apk --- Service Menu
Settings.apk --- System Settings
SettingsProvider.apk --- Settings Storage
ShutDownAnimation.apk --- Shutdown Animation
SoundPicker.apk --- Sound picker
Sync.apk --- OMA account services
SystemUI.apk --- Notification bar
Talk.apk --- Google Talk
TtsService.apk --- Android Text To Speech Service
usb-mtp-update-wrapper.apk --- MTP extension polling
usb-mtp-vendor-extension-service.apk --- Sony Ericsson MTP extension
UseragentProvider.apk --- User Agent Storage
UserDictionaryProvider.apk --- user dictionary storage
Vending.apk --- Android Market
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppApplication.apk --- Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppMedia.apk --- Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppPlatform.apk --- Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppShared.apk --- Certificate identifier
VoiceDialer.apk --- Voice Dialer
VoiceSearch.apk --- Voice Search
VoipCallLogProvider.apk --- VOIP Call Log
VpnServices.apk --- VPN Services
WapiCustomization.apk --- WAP settings
WapPush.apk --- WAP push (for receiving MMS)


(제거해도 되는 어플입니다)

Safe to remove:](These apps can be removed without ill effects to the Arc's health.)
*Note: New APKs from the 2.3.3 update.

AccessoryKeyDispatcher.apk --- event listener (unsure of trigger, hardware and handsfree keys work without it.)
Calculator.apk --- default calculator
CdfInfoAccessor.apk --- Software Component Descriptions
chinesetextinput.apk --- chinese keyboard
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.foursquare_ext_ts3.apk --- Timescape Foursquare Extension
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.timescapefeedsplugin.a pk --- Timescape Feeds
com.whatsapp.apk --- Whatsapp
*CoreNotificationPublisher.apk --- Lock Screen Notifications
CrashSMS.apk --- Diagnostics Tool (debug helper)
datatrafficswitch.apk --- mobile data on/off widget
DigitalClockWidget.apk --- clock widget
DownloadProviderUi.apk --- default browser downloads folder
EventStream.apk --- Timescape
EventStreamPluginCallLog.apk --- Timescape Call Log Extension
EventStreamPluginFacebook.apk --- Timescape Facebook Extension
EventStreamPluginTelephony.apk --- Timescape Telephony extension
EventStreamPluginTwitter.apk --- Timescape Twitter extension
facebook.apk --- Facebook
*FBCalendarSync.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Calendar Sync
*FBMediaDiscovery.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Media Discovery
*FBMusicLike.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Music Like
*FBNotificationPublisher.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Facebook Notifications
*FBSetupwizard.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Setup Wizard (not needed to setup or for FB Integration to work)
GenieWidget.apk --- News and Weather
Gmail.apk --- Gmail app
GoogleFeedback.apk --- Market Feedback Agent (forceclose reporting for apps installed from Market)
GooglePartnerSetup.apk --- Google Partner Setup (no longer needed after setting up Gmail)
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk --- google quick search box
HTMLViewer.apk --- HTML viewer (view HTML files directly from file manager)
IddAgent.apk --- Anonymous Usage Stats
JapaneseIME.apk --- japanese keyboard
LearningClient.apk --- learns user typed words for default keyboard
letsgolf_A_353.apk --- Let's Golf game
LiveWallpapers.apk --- Live wallpapers pack
LivewareManager.apk --- Liveware Manager
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk --- Live wallpaper
MediaWidget.apk --- Media shortcuts widget
MediaUploader.apk --- My Uploads for Youtube uploading (not needed if just watch Youtube)
MusicWidget.apk --- default Music player widget
*NotificationProvider.apk --- Lock Screeen Notifications Storage
officesuite.apk --- Office Suite
OmaDatasyncService.apk --- Sony Ericsson Sync
PhotoWidget.apk --- Picture Frame widget
*playnowclientarvato.apk --- Playnow Store (replaces the 2 APKs in the list directly below)
playnowappinstaller.apk --- Playnow updater
playnowclient.apk --- Playnow
POBoxSknPink.apk --- japanese keyboard skin
POBoxSknWood.apk --- japanese keyboard skin
Protips.apk --- Pro Tips widget
qcsemcservice.apk --- RIL extension for default browser
Radio.apk --- FM radio
retaildemo.apk --- retail demo
SecureClockJava.apk --- web clock service (some DRM or Secure services may use this, restore if you need it.)
SemcCrashMonitor.apk --- debugger
SemcDlna.apk --- media server
*SEMCFacebookService.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Service
SEMCSetupWizard.apk --- setup wizard
SemcVideoEdit.apk --- video editor
SoundRecorder.apk --- sound recorder
StatusSwitch.apk --- Status switch widget
Stk.apk --- Sim Tool Kit
Street.apk --- Google Street view
SyncWizard.apk --- Sony Ericsson Sync Account
timescapelegacywrapper.apk --- Timescape plugin
TimescapeSpline.apk --- Timescape widget spline
TimescapeWidget.apk --- Timescape widget
touchnote.apk --- Touch notes postcard
trackid.apk --- TrackID
*UnsupportedHeadsetNotification.apk --- Possibly a notification when pairing with unsupported bluetooth headsets
usersupport.apk --- Support
VisualizationWallpapers.apk --- Live wallpaper
WallpaperPicker.apk --- Sony Ericsson Wallpapers
widgetdigitalclock.apk --- clock widget
widgetonoff.apk --- widget on/off toggles
YouTube.apk --- YouTube

Can be replaced:(These apps can be safely removed and be replaced by preferred third party apps of the same function.)

Warning: Sony Ericsson's home launcher should not be removed until after another third party home launcher has been installed and properly set up to take over it's function.

Note: Depending on the third party calendar app of choice, it may be advisable to setup your calendars using the default calendar app before removing it.
Note: Most third party messaging apps cannot send and receive MMS if the stock messaging app is removed.
Note: Removing the default clock widget will also remove the alarm feature. Ensure your clock of choice has alarms or have another alarm app installed.

Browser.apk --- default web browser
Calendar.apk --- default calendar
Conversations.apk --- default messaging
Home.apk --- default home launcher
SemcDeskClock.apk --- default clock and alarm
SemcEmail.apk --- default email app
SemcGallery3D.apk --- default gallery
SemcMusic.apk --- default music player
textinput-tng.apk --- default keyboard

How To: To remove the system apps, use Titnaium Backup from the market.



출처 : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1193004

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덧글 21개 new | | 조회수 2536 | 추천 1 나도추천

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| 신고
  • 2011/08/17 21:57 답글


    이거보고 learningclient랑 semcvideoedit 추가로지웠내요 감사합니다

  • 2011/08/17 22:06 답글


    저야 퍼오기만했는걸요 ㅎㅎ

  • 2011/08/17 22:12 답글


    법대이센수 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • 2011/08/17 23:13 답글


    뭐... 무조건 괜찮다는 것은 아니지만... 조금더 더하고자 합니다.

    위의 지우면 안되는 어플에는 X10의 기본 어플들이 아니라
    안드로이드폰의 표준 기본 어플들입니다. 그래서 없는 어플이 있다고해서 걱정하실 필요 없습니다.

    위의 지우면 안되는 어플에서 지우고서도 제가 사용하면서 아무문제 없었던 어플들 목록입니다.

    기본 캘린더를 사용하지 않는 경우


    위의 두 어플은 만일 핸드센트 SMS를 사용하시는 경우 문자받기와 벨소리 정하기가 그 어플로 가능하기 때문에 두 어플을 지우셔도 상관 없습니다.

  • 2011/08/17 23:13 답글


    위에 이어.................

  • 2011/08/18 01:53 답글


    KirA semcmusic 같은 경우는 지우면 알람 링톤 설정 같은 부분에서
    뮤직 라이브러리 접근이 안되는 문제가 있습니다.

  • 2011/08/18 11:28 답글


    Ticket2Ride 뮤직을 지우는 경우는 사운드픽커까지 지우는 경우입니다. 핸드센트 등, 알람 및 링톤등 설정이 가능한 다른 어플을 사용하는 경우입니다.

  • 2011/08/19 11:11 답글


    semcvideoedit 는 카메라에서 동영상 촬영 기능일겁니다. 삭제하면 동영상 촬영 안될겁니다.

  • 2011/10/01 11:49 답글



  • 2011/08/28 12:35 답글


    루팅해야 지울수있죠?

  • 2011/08/28 13:54 답글



  • 2011/09/07 18:17 답글


    플래시툴로 지우나요??

  • 2011/09/08 01:26 답글


    플툴로지우셔도되고 루트익스플로러로 지우셔도되고 티타늄백업으로 지우셔도됩니다.

  • 2011/09/10 16:45 답글



  • 2011/09/10 16:49 답글


    com.~~ 로 된것들은 어디서지우죠?

  • 2011/09/10 17:45 답글


    com.~ 뒤에 써있는 이름찾아보시던가 없으면 업는겁니다

  • 구글토크지워도 되는거 아니에요? 헐 지워버렸는데 부팅도 잘되고 잘만 도라가는데....

  • 2011/09/23 22:17 답글


    지워도 되는 목록 지웠더니 후레쉬가 안됩니다..

    후레쉬 할수 있는 방법좀 가르쳐 주세여요..

    참고fh 엑스페리아플레쉬라이트라는 어플을 씁니다..

  • 2011/09/24 00:11 답글


    스위치프로쓰시던가 아크용 플래쉬 써보세요

  • 2011/10/10 16:23 답글


    찾던자료.. ㄳ

  • 2011/10/23 07:45 답글

